Daisy helps you keep track of your knowledge base articles and any issues associated with them. On each article details page, you can drill into the following sections:
Overview: a summary of any outstanding article issues, as well as the reading level and latest snapshots. A snapshot is the latest version of the article that Daisy has seen.
Screenshots: any images found in the article, for your reference. You may want to update screenshots if any related app pages have changed since the last dig.
On each of the following issue summary pages, you have the option to ignore an issue. This means that the issue will be removed from the current list of issues, but Daisy won't ignore the issue during the next dig. If you accidentally ignore an issue, you can run another dig to restore it.
Broken links: a list of all broken links found in the article in the most recent dig
Terms: a list of all banned or tricky terms found in this article in the most recent dig
App changes: a list of all changed related app pages found in the most recent dig
Related app pages: you can link app pages to your help articles, and vice versa. This helps Daisy know which app pages to check for changes when we run a new dig. If we find any changes in the app pages since the last dig, we'll report it on the App changes page (referenced above).